About Simon’s Still Stanza


SelfieFeb2016    Welcome!  This blog has a vision of verse and is in verse.

If you are looking for poetry, that is what you will find!

As a new student at a school in a Riverina winter, many years ago, some classmates told me,

“You’ll hate what we have tomorrow!”

It was poetry.

My response was the opposite of hate.

My life was never the same again.

School and uni came and went.

Studies for the catholic priesthood, followed by ordination, filled in the years.

In the background, and, at times, in the foreground, poetry travelled the journey with me.

Reading it and writing it has been a constant past-time.

 I am not able to predict when a poem will come to me.

At times people or events will touch me deeply.

At others, I appear to be more present to who or what is before me.

 Words and images rise up and a poem emerges.

Some have been impressions of events.

Other poems have been farewells to communities I have lived in.

 Verses may respond to the plight of pain in a person or group.

I love responding to beauty in creation and, on some occasions, will add photos with the poems.

 Stanzas may be shaped by coffee shops, scenes of nature or works of art.

I may also refer to other poets or poems – if that helps your overflowing reading list!


39 thoughts on “About Simon’s Still Stanza”

  1. Thanks for the ‘like’ on my comment. I see that you also were fascinated by the last two lines. Don’t know what it is that makes certain lines stand apart? Anyway, I like your site and am going to read more of your poetry.

  2. Thanks for the follow on my site. It’s very much appreciated! I’m going to follow you back. I love the photo of trees and the rock formation. It reminds me the groves where the Druids are said to meet.

  3. Hello, Simon! Very Glad to meet a fellow Priest! Hearty Regards. …Am sure You have created many poems, but You do not seem to have posted them on the blog for Us! Please do that. Greetings in the Name of Jesus. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I will try and post more. The poems come to me in their own time and I cannot force them. But hope there will be more to share soon.

  4. I totally understand what you mean when you say “I am not able to predict when a poem will come to me.” The same goes for me. I do look forward to reading your poem soon though!

  5. You have a beautiful way of expressing, Simon. Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier. Looking forward to reading your poems.

  6. It’s a joy to find you Sir.
    You said, “I love responding to beauty in creation…” And ultimately we tend to respond to God as the Psalmist says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
    Will look forward to your write ups for sure.

  7. Hi Simon,
    I remember you from last year, I like your poetry still, thanks for commenting about Ginger Boy kitty cat Toby. As a priest, I am wondering, what do you think about Centering Prayer? I was introduced to it by my Buddhist friend, who practices all disciplines.
    Aloha noe

    1. Hi Lizbeth, Thanks for your appreciation of the poetry. As for Centering Prayer, yes, the best place is to google it to the Contemplative Outreach webpage. It gives the history, method and so on. Due to reasons of who you know and where, I’ve ended up having more to do with another parallel group called Christian Meditation who can be googled at The World Community for Christian Meditation. Centering Prayer appears to have a more North American history and tone. Christian Meditation has a more British and Irish history and tone, although both are widespread now. In my experience both groups have some good things to offer and some exemplary members. Both have also attracted some more quirky characters, as does happen. Both prayers use the repetition of a sacred word or phrase as a means of coming to stillness with God’s presence within. As an introvert, I personally find these prayers quite enriching, although I need to be circumspect, as I have to help people find what prayer best suits them, rather than push my own barrow.

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