Empty Well

Empty Well



There are

no words,

to acclaim,


or frame,

any sentence,

or the

reality here.

The beauteous

now barren.

The flourishing

now flat.

We are


by the banal business

of the functional,


and administrative.

The inspiration has



No words appear


the whitened expanse

of the page,

or life.


the well is


The river has




Simon C.J. Falk 1 June 2017IMG_0093

Looking for some inspiration!

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  1.  Keep your post to below 500 words, as much as possible.
  2. All we ask is you link to a human news story on your blog on the last Friday of each month, one that shows love, humanity, and brotherhood. Something like this news, about a man who only fosters terminally ill children.
  3. Join us on the last Friday of each month in sharing news that warms the cockles of our heart. No story is too big or small, as long as it goes beyond religion and politics, into the core of humanity.
  4. Place the WE ARE THE WORLD Badge on your sidebar, and help us spread the word on social media. Tweets, Facebook shares, G+ shares using the #WATWB hashtag through the month most welcome. More Blogfest signups mean more friends, love and light for all of us.
  5. We’ll read and comment on each others’ posts, get to know each other better, and hopefully, make or renew some friendships with everyone who signs on as participants in the coming months.
  6. To signup, add your link in WE ARE THE WORLD Linky List below.



Author: simonfalk28

Country lad, Focussing on verse.

6 thoughts on “Empty Well”

  1. Great poem. I think at times we all feel like an empty well. However, when the time is right, we are filled back up especially when we find something positive to set our sights on.

  2. This evokes such sadness and hopelessness. You feel like getting up and shaking yourself out of this stupor…. Stop being degenerates and start living instead. Beautiful!

  3. Thanks, Pradita. I was in an odd place then. Really tired and wrung out. Plus I felt starved from attending to the superficial. So… I wrote about it.

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